Creativity is hard to do......
It’s been a hard pandemic. And I know that it’s been more difficult for a lot of people than others. I’m very fotunate, I admit it; my parents are retired, most of my friends and the rest of my family and friends are reasonably affluent. I don’t fully have words to tell you how grateful for that I am. That’s not my case, but I’ve been insulated by the fact that I have very supportive friends, who shelter me on very reasonable terms, as I try to build my new career.
BUT……no one is immune to the mental effects of isolation and limited activity. And I’ve come to the conclusion that it is really the enemy of creativity. It’s the height of ……something….that when I had probably the most opportunity to spend time being creative, I was scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and motivate myself to take advantage of it. I don’t mind admitting that that was an epic fail. I did a lot of sketching, and started a lot of things, but follow through has been difficult.
I know I’m not alone in this, so for all my fellow peeps in the same boat—I see you! Here’s to the eternal hope that things will be better in the future, even when, to me, it seems entirely uncertain.
My optimism that spring is actually coming (taken last summer in Garrison Common near Fort York).