Last Saturday was Tartan Day! So, I guess it’s a bit appropriate that I talk about kiltmaking this week! I’ve been a bit quiet on here, partly because I’ve been a bit busy elsewhere!! Last month I taught four intrepid sewers how to make a traditional kilt! Over two marathon weekends, we stitched, and stitched, and stitched (including some frantic stitching of pleats in between times). Hosted by the lovely Contemporary Textile Studio, despite some hiccups, we had alot of fun!
Working on setting up the kilts
Working away on the pleats!
Kilt love! Or exhaustion, take your pick!
Moving on to finishing!
Doesn’t it look like fun? Don’t you want to make your own kilt? You can sign up for the next session - which won’t take place until November (because, let’s face it, who wants to stitch wool in the Toronto summer???). Interested, but not sure when you want to take a course? Register your interest with me, and I’ll let you know when courses are on offer!