Jewellery, Projects Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery, Projects Robin Cassady-Cain

Something’s Still Cooking

I started last week telling you about a new project I was working on. I’ve made a bit of progress on it, and I’m still working on custom work I can’t really show yet, so I thought I’d share a bit more about this project with you.

These guys have progressed a little - I’ve cleaned them up and done a preliminary polish on them - you can see that they’re slightly domed much better now. Normally I’d add a backplate so I could stuff some colourful felt in those cutouts, but not this time! They’re going to have colour, but I’m going to use glass enamel instead! Haven’t quite decided what colours, but the biggest one will definitely be blue!

Make it stand out

So, I’ve made a start on the second metal elements I’m going to use - these will eventually be some of what I call my “L units”, inspired by lymphocytes, the “smart cells” of the immune system. When they’re in their nascent or naive state, lymphocytes are almost all nucleus with very little cytoplasm. So, I like to texture the surface of the discs before I dome them, and then attach them to a backplate. For this project, I won’t use all the units here, but I like to make extras so I can do other things with them (economies of scale!). I also decided that I wanted to use several different sizes, to go along with the variation in size I used for the “M” units.

Have I piqued your interest yet? Watch this space to see how things progress further!

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Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain

Something’s Cooking!

I’ve been doing alot of custom work recently, so this week I’ve been working on something for myself. I collected some bits and bobs ages ago, and they’ve been sitting in a bag, along with my half-baked design for what to do with them. So, I made a start. The design is still pretty half-baked, but it’s moving in a good direction! Next up, some enameling, I think. Any suggestions for colours?

I’ll post some more pictures when I’m finished, but as with my ongoing obsession with the immune system, it’s all about cells of the immune system (with some pearls thrown in for good measure!).

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Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain

Summertime - Shows

The hot weather seems to be truly here! It makes me think about the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair. Sadly, you won’t find my work there this year (boo!), but I will be there - a number of my friends will be there exhibiting their jewellery (and other art). Anyway, in honour of not being able to show you new jewellery, here’s some of my favourites!

A selection of my M pendants on postcards by Lamellopodium Art - I love using them as backgrounds :)

If you find yourself wanting to get out this weekend, venture out and see some art! It will make your heart sing.

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Textiles, Projects Robin Cassady-Cain Textiles, Projects Robin Cassady-Cain

Fun with embroidery

It seems that summer is really here! I’ve been working a bit on creative self-renewal and building some new skills that I thought might be useful in new work in the future. I feel this is so important, but it can also be quite difficult to manage with so many other demands on my time. So, this time around, I enrolled months in advance, put it in my calendar, and when it finally came around, somehow made it work (although it was a bit of a frantic couple of weeks!!). So, what did I do, you ask? I took a two-day course in “Haute couture embroidery techniques” at the Contemporary Textile Studio with a lovely lady artist from Montreal, Tamara Rubilar. It was a bit of a gallop through a sampler of a number of different techniques, as well as an eye-opening experience with different materials.

Make it stand out

This roughly what I’m eventually aiming for - we’ll see how close I manage!

It was a pretty intense two days, and I had a kilt order on at the same time, so it was two days of ALOT of sewing, but I so enjoyed learning the techniques, and getting some insight into the thought behind the way some things work, and how to address some technical issues.

Make it stand out

Even just getting ready to start, was a bit time consuming, but so cool! We used a silk panel with a cotton canvas support underneath. Then you have to attach it the frame with two different techniques. It was ready to go when it felt as tight as a drum top!! This is to provide more stable support than an embroidery hoop, and once I started working with it, I could see the necessity - you really have to be firm with some of the materials we used!!

First element started! Just the edging to go. I really enjoyed this one, and to be honest, it’s probably the one that has turned out the best so far!

I didn’t get much farther than this the second day - see all those sequins? A good number of them get sewn into an element that I have to applique to the main piece - I started one, decided I didn’t like my technique execution, so I started the second one, which is better but not perfect. Now I have to go back and re-do the first one so they match!

What do you do when you feel like you’re in a bit of a creative rut? Or maybe that never happens to you!! Anyway, I loved the workshop, even the frustrating bits! And I’ve already been thinking about how I’m going to incorporate it into a special kilt idea that has been rolling around in my brain. It also involves some screen printing, which I haven’t done for a while, so that will be a bit exciting too!

It will probably be awhile before I finish this sampler, but I’m chipping away at it little by little, so I’ll share it with you when I finally finish it!


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Kiltmaking Robin Cassady-Cain Kiltmaking Robin Cassady-Cain

Joy in the twirl.

Sometimes you just have one of those weeks, you know, where you find yourself overcommitted, and working, literally, every hour you can possibly manage. Last week, that was really me! One of the things was a kilt order. I thought I had loads of time, but apparently I don’t know how to read a calendar! Anyway, it was a bit down to the wire, but I got it to its recipient, and their reaction made everything worth it! The joy on his face, the jumping and twirling. It was amazing. I love these reminders of why I love making kilts!

MacKay Ancient - how cool is that lining? It’s such a lovely pop of colour, and has special meaning for its owner!

Make it stand out

Pleat - o -Rama

Happy Kilt Action!

This is a repeat order - he liked the first one so much, he came back for more! There might even be more kilty action in his future! Looking for your own bespoke, handstitched traditional kilt that you can leave your own stamp on?

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Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain

Remodeling can be fun!

This week I’m sharing a pair of custom earrings I finshed recently. They came from a pair of old fashioned kind of cluster earrings with a centre sapphire and tiny diamonds all around. The brief was to make a new pair of earrings. The client likes an art deco kind of vibe, so I riffed off that and suggested a few different designs. We landed on these, carved in wax and cast in 14kt yellow gold, which came from the original earrings and some other miscellaneous jewellery that was languishing in her jewellery box!

14kt yellow gold earrings with blue oval sapphires, vertical in a gold surround with 3 wings down one side with a single diamond on each blade

They look even better in person! They’re cute little earrings, with a bit of bling.


hand carved wax models for the earrings

Earrings finished, ready for stone setting.

I really enjoy bringing new life to jewellery, and it’s a great way to make the most of what you have, you get a lovely new piece of hand crafted jewellery , and you’ve upcycled bits that you already had! Have jewellery that just isn’t doing it for you anymore? Drop me a line, and let’s talk about how to do something with it that you will love again!

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General Robin Cassady-Cain General Robin Cassady-Cain

What is this?

Are you asking yourself what is this?

This is the start of a new project. It’s made from canvas stretching bars (who knew this was a thing?), and if you look closely you can see small dots. Eventually I’ll manage to put some nails there. This is what it has looked like for about 3 weeks. Sadly, it will probably still look this way 3 weeks from now. I’ll come back and celebrate when I’ve made some progress with it, and tell you what it’s for, if you haven’t guessed yet :).

Enjoy the fine weather we’re having (since it seems like summer actually HAS arrived!

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Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain

Remodeled Jewellery Part II

Awhile ago, I shared a ring that I made using all the stones from this brooch

So, we were left with the carcass of the original brooch, which is a lovely shape, and beautifully constructed. The client doesn’t really like yellow gold, and it now had a gap where the stone and setting had been, so we did a little updating on it, by choosing a new stone for it, and giving it a rhodium makeover to change it to a lovely white surface instead. What a difference these two things made to the overall look of the brooch!

What do you think?

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General Robin Cassady-Cain General Robin Cassady-Cain

Sometimes you have to make time for you

So, this past weekend was a public holiday. As an artist/maker who works for themself and work additional jobs to make everything happen, actually taking time off is often difficult. In an effort to have a bit more work/life balance, my new resolution is to take off public holidays. I generally still work at least part of the time, but I give myself permission to be a bit more relaxed. Or that’s the theory anyway. In reality I spent part of the weekend making a start on transforming our concrete balcony into a haven. It’s still very much a work in progress, but it’s nicer already!

See? New flooring, a bit of furniture, it’s like a whole new area! Next up, plants. This should be interesting, as neither mom or I are particularly inclined to keep them alive, so we’ll see….

What do you do to decompress, and what’s your idea of a place to retreat to?

Regular post probably back next week :). Enjoy some nice weather!

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Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain Jewellery Robin Cassady-Cain

Cells, cells, cells

I’ve been working on making more of these teeny-tiny wax blood cell clusters- keep an eye out for the new jewellery I’m excited to make with them! Including something for myself (for once!).

Fancy something of your very own? Email me, and ask me about it!

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