It’s a new year!

Slightly tardy, but here it is! I hope you all had a great holiday, and are looking forward to 2025. As ever, the turn of the year generally finds me thinking back to events over the past year, and thinking about what lies ahead and what I want to accomplish. I won’t lie, 2024 was a tough year for me, for a number of reasons. I’ve reached that age where events start happening (not usually great), and they never seem to stop. I’m learning to roll with the new reality, but it’s been a bumpy learning curve! It was also a year for making, in some ways, tough decisions. I decided that I am not that keen on business activities, and my making business is not enough to sustain me, either financially or intellectually, and I went back to a full-time “straight” job in October. I’m not giving up my making business, but it’s definitely going to have to take a bit more of a backseat for now.

So, here’s some of the things I made/did last year for your viewing pleasure (and my satisfaction!)

And a few more things! Lots of happy memories here for me - lots of bespoke jewellery, shared art, new skills, bespoke kilts and teaching others to make kilts!

I am wondering what’s ahead for me, I want to do more shows this year, but I’m not sure that’s currently very realistic, so we shall see. Other than that, I want to focus on developing some new skills, hopefully revamp the website, and work on re-launching my online shop. In the meantime, if there’s something you’re looking for, I’m still available! Send me an email! Even if it’s just to let me know what’s ahead for you :).


Exciting new work :)


The curling popup is back!